📄️ Project Overview
Project is having the following components.
📄️ 01-Frontend
The frontend is the service in RoboShop to serve the web content over Nginx. This will have the webframe for the web application.
📄️ 02-MongoDB
Developer has chosen the database MongoDB. Hence, we are trying to install it up and configure it.
📄️ 03-Catalogue
Catalogue is a microservice that is responsible for serving the list of items that displays in roboshop application.
📄️ 04-Redis
Redis is used for in-memory data storage(Caching) and allows users to access the data of database over API.
📄️ 05-User
User is a microservice that is responsible for User Logins and Registrations Service in RobotShop e-commerce portal.
📄️ 06-Cart
Cart is a microservice that is responsible for Cart Service in RobotShop e-commerce portal.
📄️ 07-MySQL
Developer has chosen the database MySQL. Hence, we are trying to install it up and configure it.
📄️ 08-Shipping
Shipping service is responsible for finding the distance of the package to be shipped and calculate the price based on that.
📄️ 09-RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ is a messaging Queue which is used by some components of the applications.
📄️ 10-Payment
This service is responsible for payments in RoboShop e-commerce app.
📄️ 11-Dispatch
Dispatch is the service which dispatches the product after purchase. It is written in GoLang, So wanted to install GoLang.