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dnf install docker -y
docker run -d -p 80:80 -e CATALOGUE_HOST=catalogue-ip -e CATALOGUE_PORT=catalogue-port -e USER_HOST=user-host -e USER_PORT=user-port -e CART_HOST=cart-host -e CART_PORT=cart-port -e SHIPPING_HOST=shipping-host -e SHIPPING_PORT=shipping-port -e PAYMENT_HOST=payment-host -e PAYMENT_PORT=payment-port


Replace catalogue-ip with actual IP or DNS record of catalogue server

Replace catalogue-port with actual catalogue port

Replace user-ip with actual IP or DNS record of user server

Replace user-port with actual user port

Replace cart-ip with actual IP or DNS record of cart server

Replace cart-port with actual cart port

Replace shipping-ip with actual IP or DNS record of shipping server

Replace shipping-port with actual shipping port

Replace payment-ip with actual IP or DNS record of payment server

Replace payment-port with actual payment port